Con esta imagen les comento que he creado una nueva marca debajo de lo que es mi nombre artístico o como yo lo llamo la casa productora que he creado para mis diseños, esta nueva marca se va a enfatizar en imagenes más obscuras, más grunge, algo parecido a lo que hemos visto en el post anterior a este, bueno esta marca se llamará CHVS Mental Designs y aquí les dejo la primera muestra titulada Randy Orton: Hell's Door, que lo disfruten
With This I commented That I have created a new brand under what is my stage name or as I call the production company I created for my designs, This new brand will emphasize in darker images, more grunge, something like what we Have seen in the previous to this post, well this brand will be called CHVs Mental Designs and here's the first show titled Randy Orton: Hell's Door, enjoy it
Diseños de impreción
viernes, 29 de abril de 2016
jueves, 28 de abril de 2016
House M.D. Version Sobre Natural (House M.D. Supernatural Version)
Bueno hoy quise hacer algo un poco tenebroso, fue un poco fácil de hacer ya que mi fuerte es la foto manipulación, usando tres fotos que encontré en la web y mezclandolas con un poco de filtros cree al Dr. House más tenebroso que antes, una versión que yo explicaría que es fuera de lo natural algo para normal, muchos dirían que es una versión Zombie de el, a mi me gustaría decir que es una versión Fantasmal de el pero ustedes deciden, aquí se los dejo.
Well today I wanted to do something a little scary , it was a little easier to do since my background is the photo manipulation, using three photos I found on the web and mixing them with some filters believes Dr. House darker than before I would explain it that version is unnaturally something paranormal, many would say is a version of the Zombie , I'd like to say it is a version of the Ghostly but you decide , here I leave
Well today I wanted to do something a little scary , it was a little easier to do since my background is the photo manipulation, using three photos I found on the web and mixing them with some filters believes Dr. House darker than before I would explain it that version is unnaturally something paranormal, many would say is a version of the Zombie , I'd like to say it is a version of the Ghostly but you decide , here I leave
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016
como crear una escena con el planeta tierra (how to create an scene with Planet Earth)
Bueno en este post les quiero mostrar un video donde se muestra como se puede crear un escenario fuera de este mundo, con un personaje principal un poco peculiar, nos enseñara como crear la tierra con este complejo y a la vez facil de usar, bueno para no aburrirlos con mi parloteo, aquí les dejo este video
Well in this post I want to show a video which shows how you can create a scenario out of this world, with a slightly quirky main character, teach us how to create the earth with this complex and yet easy to use software, well, hoping not to bore you with my babbling, here I leave this video
martes, 26 de abril de 2016
Mi nueva Página de Facebook acaba de salir!!! (My new Facebook page is already out)
Hola a todos, estoy emocionado por que acabo de terminar un pequeño proyecto que tenía en mente y es que este proyecto es importante para mi ya que es una página de facebook ¿Por que es importante? pues es fácil, ya todos saben cual es el poder en facebook, ya todos sabemos que millones de personas tienen cuentas de facebook alrededor del mundo, eso quiere decir que tendré más seguidores, clientes potenciales entre otros, y me gustaría que ustedes los que leen este blog sean bienvenidos a echarle un ojillo y que tal un "Me Gusta". Bueno aquí les dejo el link de mi página, espero que les guste.
Hi all , I'm excited because I just finished a small project I had in mind is that this project is important to me because it is a page of facebook Why is it important? because it is easy, and everyone knows what is the power of facebook, we all know that millions of people have Facebook accounts around the world, that means I'll have more followers , potential customers, and others , and I wish you who read this blog are welcome to take an eye and what about a "Like" . Well here I leave the link to my page, I hope you like .
I almost forget, it will be in English too!!!
CHVS Camisas
Hi all , I'm excited because I just finished a small project I had in mind is that this project is important to me because it is a page of facebook Why is it important? because it is easy, and everyone knows what is the power of facebook, we all know that millions of people have Facebook accounts around the world, that means I'll have more followers , potential customers, and others , and I wish you who read this blog are welcome to take an eye and what about a "Like" . Well here I leave the link to my page, I hope you like .
I almost forget, it will be in English too!!!
CHVS Camisas
lunes, 25 de abril de 2016
Imagina (Imagine)
Cierra los ojos e imaginate que sientes frió, tu piel se eriza cada vez que sientes el soplo del viento marino enfriando todo tu cuerpo, sientes ese hermoso sonido del viento chocando con las velas del barco en que viajas, ese silbido que causa el viento al cortarse con los mástiles, mientras que las olas chocan al rededor del barco, meciendo a tu alma de lado a lado, como si fuera una cuna en movimiento, te sientes renovado, te sientes bien en todo momento, sientes la calma del mar la belleza del cielo en mar abierto sin una luz mas que la de las estrellas, imagina que ves el reflejo de ellas en el océano calmado de la noche, de repente encuentras con una isla, una isla con una montaña grande, inmensa entre muchas, con nieve en su pico, te causa paz al ver esta maravilla de la naturaleza. ahora abre los ojos y ve el regalo que te muestro hoy. ¡Con mucho gusto!
Close your eyes and imagine you feel cold, your skin crawls whenever you feel the breath of the sea breeze cooling your whole body , feel that beautiful sound of the wind hitting the boat sails when traveling , that whistle that causes the wind cut with masts , while the waves crash around the boat, cradling your soul from side to side , like a cradle in motion, you feel renewed , you feel good at all times, you feel the calm sea beauty the sky in the open sea without a light more than the stars , imagine you see the reflection of them in the ocean calm of the night , suddenly come across an island, an island with a big mountain , huge among many, with snow at its peak, will cause peace to see this wonder of nature. Now open your eyes and see the gift that I show you today. With pleasure!
sábado, 23 de abril de 2016
nueva colección de Diseños en Camisa (the New Colleccion of Designs for Tshirts)
Bueno hoy les quiero compartir una colección mas de diseños estampadas en camisas, esta colección la quise llamar Wildest Animal Print que como lo dice se trata de diseños donde se exponen los animales mas hermosos, Majestuosamente estampados en camisas gráficas el tipo de camisa con estampado en toda el área frontal. Bueno sin más que decir, me queda solo enseñar esta maravillosa colección
Well, today I want to share a collection over emblazoned on shirts designs, this collection I wanted to call Wildest Animal Print that as it says comes to designs where the most beautiful animals, majestically prints in graphic shirts type shirt with print are set out in the entire frontal area . Well without further ado , I left alone teach this wonderful collection
Well, today I want to share a collection over emblazoned on shirts designs, this collection I wanted to call Wildest Animal Print that as it says comes to designs where the most beautiful animals, majestically prints in graphic shirts type shirt with print are set out in the entire frontal area . Well without further ado , I left alone teach this wonderful collection
viernes, 22 de abril de 2016
nueva imagen (New Image)
esta nueva imagen diseñada con medio kg de Bryce 7 pro y una pizca del sasón completo de Photoshop es creada por mi y quería compartir un poco la experiencia, no se ve perfecta pero se ve por lo menos muy bien a los ojos de los que la ven, esta imagen tiene varias imágenes camufladas, un estilo llamado foto ensamblaje para el que no la conoce, alguna gente la llama así y otras la llaman diferente me encanto haber creado esta mágica imagen y por eso les quiero compartir en este momento
this new image designed with half kg of Bryce 7 pro and a pinch of full Sasson Photoshop is created by me and wanted to share a little experience , is not perfect but is at least very good in the eyes of the see, this picture has several camouflaged images , a style called photo assembly for who does not know , some people call and call and other different I loved creating this magical image and I want to share at this time
this new image designed with half kg of Bryce 7 pro and a pinch of full Sasson Photoshop is created by me and wanted to share a little experience , is not perfect but is at least very good in the eyes of the see, this picture has several camouflaged images , a style called photo assembly for who does not know , some people call and call and other different I loved creating this magical image and I want to share at this time
jueves, 21 de abril de 2016
Bryce y Daz (Bryce & Daz)
Bueno, hoy les hablare de mis nuevos proyectos de los cuales uno ya se como usarlo pero el otro es un poco complicado ya que se necesita una técnica muy compleja para dar vida a este tipo de diseño ¿de que les hablo? Pues simple les hablo de los programas de diseño en 3d donde uno puede crear mundos imaginarios y magníficos o personajes de ciencia ficción como lo son Ogros, Aliens, Robot entre otros, este seria un gran paso para mi ya que estaría perfeccionando mis habilidades de diseñador gráfico, e impactaría a mis seguidores con cosas más creativas, más llenas de fantasía y traer un poco mas mi imaginación a la realidad por medio de la tercera dimensión, bueno me imagino que ya saben de lo que estoy hablando pero quieren saber cuales son los programas que usaré, bueno pues como se menciona en el titulo son
Bryce 7 Pro.
Well, today I will talk to my new projects of which one already how to use it but the other is a little complicated since a very complex technique is needed to give life to this type of design does I speak to you ? Well simply I speak of programs 3D design where one can create imaginary worlds and magnificent or science fiction characters such as Ogres , Aliens , Robot among others, this would be a big step for me as it would be perfecting my skills designer graphic , and impacataria my fans more full of fantacia more creative things, and bring a little more my imagination to reality by the third dimencion, well I guess you know what I'm talking about but want to know what the I'll use programs,
You can Look at the image bellow the English translation
Bryce 7 Pro.
Daz 3D Studio
Well, today I will talk to my new projects of which one already how to use it but the other is a little complicated since a very complex technique is needed to give life to this type of design does I speak to you ? Well simply I speak of programs 3D design where one can create imaginary worlds and magnificent or science fiction characters such as Ogres , Aliens , Robot among others, this would be a big step for me as it would be perfecting my skills designer graphic , and impacataria my fans more full of fantacia more creative things, and bring a little more my imagination to reality by the third dimencion, well I guess you know what I'm talking about but want to know what the I'll use programs,
You can Look at the image bellow the English translation
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016
La controversia de un diseño (The controversy of a design)
Bueno en esta publicación he de mencionar una controversia, tal vez es mi idea pero he querido ver que pasará con el destino de un diseño de un logotipo que cree para un periódico local. La historia comienza con una publicación en esas páginas de anuncios en el que uno puede ofrecer servicios como los mios -de diseñador gráfico-, en ese entonces no duro -gracias a Dios- mucho en que alguien quisiera adquirir de mis servicios dentro de mi país, me trató de contactar por teléfono del que yo no me di cuenta, hasta que vi la llamada perdida en eso devolví la llamada a esta persona para ver que era lo que el deseaba -dentro de mis servicios de diseñador- lo que el en realidad deseaba era un logotipo para un periódico que probable mente se iba a centrar en la zona de mi ciudad, yo muy emocionado acepte el trabajo, les cree un logo para demostrarles mis habilidades, una hora después me mando otro mensaje en el que el quería que yo le diseñara los clasificados en el periódico, con mucho gusto le accedí terminé de crear 4 de ellos, en cuanto estaba creando el quinto el en un mensaje de voz, me menciono que no tenía la capacidad necesaria para crear clasificados, que no tenia la imaginación necesaria para eso y que lastimosamente no me iba a utilizar para crear los clasificados en dichos periódicos, bueno eso se torno un poco triste para mi, ya que además de que perdí mi oportunidad laboral además me dijeron que no tenia la imaginación necesaria, tal vez no la tuve, tal vez ellos estaban engañándose de lo que ellos me trataban de guiar por un lugar al que no era, tal vez si usaron mis diseños y me engañaron para no pagarme, por eso antes de que publiquen mi logo en uno de esos periódicos, yo lo publicare aquí para así tener testigos, y si se parece a algún logotipo creado por alguien más, es pura conscidencia!
Well in this publication I have to mention a controversy, perhaps it is my idea but I wanted to see what will happen to the fate of a logo design you create for a local newspaper. The story begins with a publication in these pages of ads in which one can offer services such as graphic-designer-of mine, then not much hard thank God that someone wanted to acquire my services within my country I tried to contact by phone I did not realize until I saw the missed call that I returned the call to this person to see it was what he wanted -within my services designer- what actually wanted was a logo for a newspaper probably mind would focus on the area of my city, I very excited to accept the job, create them a logo to demonstrate my skills, an hour later sent me another message that he wanted I will design the classifieds in the newspaper, gladly I agreed finished creating 4 of them, as was creating the fifth, in a voice message, I mentioned that did not have the ability to create classified, he did not have the imagination needed for that and unfortunately, I was not used to creating classified in those newspapers, well that was around a little sad for me, because besides I lost my job opportunity also told me he did not have the necessary imagination, such time did not have it, maybe they were deceiving themselves what they treated me to guide for a place that was not, maybe if I used my designs and I tricked not pay me, so before you publish my logo on one of those newspapers, I will post here so you have witnesses, and if it looks like a logo created by someone else, it is pure coincidence!
Well in this publication I have to mention a controversy, perhaps it is my idea but I wanted to see what will happen to the fate of a logo design you create for a local newspaper. The story begins with a publication in these pages of ads in which one can offer services such as graphic-designer-of mine, then not much hard thank God that someone wanted to acquire my services within my country I tried to contact by phone I did not realize until I saw the missed call that I returned the call to this person to see it was what he wanted -within my services designer- what actually wanted was a logo for a newspaper probably mind would focus on the area of my city, I very excited to accept the job, create them a logo to demonstrate my skills, an hour later sent me another message that he wanted I will design the classifieds in the newspaper, gladly I agreed finished creating 4 of them, as was creating the fifth, in a voice message, I mentioned that did not have the ability to create classified, he did not have the imagination needed for that and unfortunately, I was not used to creating classified in those newspapers, well that was around a little sad for me, because besides I lost my job opportunity also told me he did not have the necessary imagination, such time did not have it, maybe they were deceiving themselves what they treated me to guide for a place that was not, maybe if I used my designs and I tricked not pay me, so before you publish my logo on one of those newspapers, I will post here so you have witnesses, and if it looks like a logo created by someone else, it is pure coincidence!
martes, 19 de abril de 2016
Camisas y mas camisas (T-Shirt and more T-Shirts)
Estas Camisas tienen un diseño original de mi parte, espero les guste!!!
(This T-shirts have an original design made by me, hope you will like this!!!)
lunes, 18 de abril de 2016
¡Te encantan los diseños, yo lo sé!
Te encantan los diseños y yo lo sé, por eso te mostraré diseños gráficos geniales cada semana, haré reportes, escribiré articulos con base al mundo mágico del diseño gráfico, mostraré mundos mas alla de estos, donde tu imaginación podra escapar con solo verlos, será magnifico y tu lo sabes, disfruta de la vida que es muy corta y disfrutala con mis diseños.
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